Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day eight

Today was pretty similar to yesterday. I feel like less of a zombie than earlier in the week, but I still have much lower levels of energy than I want. This sleep pattern will really only be worth it if I can have the same amount of energy as before. I'd rather have 16 hours of good energy than 21 hours of just okay energy. But it is still early on and I'll give it some more time. Part of me desperately wants to just give up and go sleep for 10 hours. Ahh, that sounds soooo good. But I've got to stick it out. I've made it this far. It has only been 8 days, but it has been 8 difficult days. This has taken more self determination than probably anything else I've ever done. So I'm not turning back just yet.

Tomorrow will be interesting because classes and rehearsals start back up. Let's see how that all goes!

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